• 姓名: 周再春
  • 职称: 教授
  • 学位: 博士
  • 湖南科技大学
  • 化学化工学院


近年来在《Org. Lett.》、《Chem. Eur. J.》、《Inorg. Chem.》和《J. Phys. Chem. B》等权威杂志上发表论文10余篇,得到广泛的引用;多次受邀在全国性学术会议上贡献学术报告。



[1]国家自然科学基金项目:血红素中Fe-O2络合的顺磁性依赖(No. 201372069),80万,2014.01—2017.12;

[2]国家自然科学基金项目:扭曲度可调型类血红素铁卟啉的合成及其复合物性能研究(No. 21071051),35万,2011.01—2013.12;

[3]教育部科学研究项目:非平面铁卟啉的合成及其催化氧化性能研究(No. 211121),10万,2011.08—2013.12。


[1]Qiuhua Liu, Min Tang, Wennan Zeng, Jianxiu Wang, Zaichun Zhou*, Optimal Size-Matching and Minimal Distortion Energy: Implications for Natural Selection by Macrocycle of Iron Species in Heme, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2016(33), 5222–5229.

[2]Zaichun Zhou*, Min Tang, Qiuhua Liu*, Xi Zhang, Xiaochun Zhou, Formation of π-Cation Radicals in Highly Deformed Copper(II) Porphyrins: Implications for the Distortion of Natural Tetrapyrrole Macrocycles, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2016(22), 3585–3591.

[3]Zaichun Zhou*, Xiaochun Zhou, Qiuhua Liu*, Xi Zhang, and Haomin Liu, Fixation of Zinc(II) Ion to Dioxygen in a Highly Deformed Porphyrin: Implications for the Oxygen Carrier Mechanism of Distorted Heme, Org. Lett., 2015, 17(16): 4078–4081.

[4]Qiuhua Liu, Xi Zhang, Wennan Zeng, Jianxiu Wang*, and Zaichun Zhou*, Fine-Tuning of Electronic Structure of Cobalt(II) Ion in Nonplanar Porphyrins and Tracking of a Cross-hybrid Stage: Implications for the Distortion of Natural Tetrapyrrole Macrocycles, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2015, 119(44): 14102–14110.

[5]Qiuhua Liu, Xiaochun Zhou, Haomin Liu, Xi Zhang, and Zaichun Zhou,* Fractional Transfer of a Free Unpaired Electron to Overcome Energy Barriers in the Formation of Fe4+ from Fe3+ during Core Contraction of Macrocycles: Implication for Heme Distortion, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2015, 13(10): 2939–2946.

[6]Zaichun Zhou,* Xi Zhang, Qiuhua Liu,* Ziqiang Yan, Chengjin Lv, and Ge Long, Geometry and Temperature Dependence of meso-Aryl Rotation in Strained Metalloporphyrins: Adjustable Turnstile Molecules, Inorg. Chem., 2013, 52(18): 10258–10263.

[7]Zaichun Zhou,* Qiuhua Liu, Ziqiang Yan, Ge Long, Xi Zhang, Chenzhong Cao,* and Rongqing Jiang, Conversion of Electron Configuration of Iron Ion through Core Contraction of Porphyrin: Implications for Heme Distortion, Org. Lett., 2013, 15(3): 606–609.

[8]Zaichun Zhou,* Min Shen, Chenzhong Cao, Qiuhua Liu, and Ziqiang Yan, The Opposing Influences of Ruffling and Doming Deformation on the 4-N Cavity Size of Porphyrin Macorcycles: the Role of Heme Deformations Revealed, Chem. Eur. J., 2012, 18(25): 7675–7679.

[9]Zaichun Zhou, Chenzhong Cao*, Qiuhua Liu, and Rongqing Jiang, Hybrid Orbital Deformation (HOD) Effect and Spectral Red-Shift Property of Nonplanar porphyrin, Org. Lett., 2010, 11(8):1780–1783.

[10]Zaichun Zhou, Chenzhong Cao*, and Zhiqing Yin, Qiuhua Liu, Bis(zinc porphyrin) Bridged by Benzo Orthocarbonates as a Conformational Switch under Regulation of DABCO and a Cu+ Ion, Org. Lett., 2009, 11(8):1781–1784.




入选第三批“ 湖南省新世纪121人才工程” 培养对象,获湖南省第13届自然科学优秀论文二等奖一项; 指导大学生在 “ 湖南省大学生化学实验技能竞赛” 中获奖两次(2011年二等奖和2009年三等奖)。